With the lighting industry in China's rapid rise, this year's Exhibition size and level of development than in previous years all has more highlights and more breakthroughs. 伴随着中国照明灯饰行业的快速崛起,今年的光亚展在规模和水平上较之往年都有着更多的亮点和更大的突破。
China has become the biggest production and consumption country in electric lighting industry in the world now, so the production capacity and consumption of tungsten wire is on a vast scale. 经过二十几年的发展,中国已成为世界最大的电光源生产国和消费国。
Here, visitors and exhibitors can also view Asia and the current status of the global lighting industry. 在这里,观众及参展商可同时尽览当前亚洲以及环球照明产业的现状。
With the most competitive competence in lighting industry, we enjoy a great popularity for our unique design, extraordinary workmanship and excellent business. 以其独特的设计,精湛的工艺,良好的商业信誉在灯饰领域享有极高的声望。
Based on the status quo of the lighting industry, this article analyzes the energy saving objective of lighting, and puts forward the concepts of expert energy saving and general public energy saving. 本文讲述了国家“十一五”规划的能效目标,结合照明行业的现状,分析了照明节能需要达到的目标,提出了专家型节能和百姓型节能的概念。
It had become a genuinely professional exhibition in the street lighting industry, and play a positive pioneer's role in the street lighting industry. 缔造了路灯业界一次真正意义上的行业盛会,开创了路灯史上里程碑式的积极促进作用。
The Applying Study on the Integrated Marketing Communication in the Lamp Ornaments and Lighting Industry 整合营销传播在灯饰照明业中的应用研究装饰花灯与照明设备
With the rapid development of lighting industry, lighting design which can be said as thriving. 照明产业发展迅速,照明设计可以说是红红火火。
The rapid development of LED semiconductor lighting industry is an accelerating for the declining of traditional lighting industry. 以节能为从要改革外容的LED半导体照亮工业收铺迅猛,反反在加快将传统照亮工业推背亡退迟期。
Have a Huge Responsibility to Assume, and a Long Way to Go& The Analysis on Patent Risk of the LED Lighting Industry in China 任重而道远&中国LED照明产业专利风险分析
At present, the products are manufactured in China, and the market sale prospect is promising. This article provides a detailed technical dissection for this new high-tech solar energy product and present state and prospective analysis on the optical cable natural lighting industry. 这一产品在我国生产制造、市场销售前景广阔,对国外该高科技太阳光能新应用产品的详细技术解剖和光缆采光行业的现状和前景分析。
The study is based on the auto lighting industry. 论文的研究以汽车照明行业作为背景。论文首先阐述了经济全球化与企业采购策略。
Lighting Industry, as traditional manufactory industry, is a very important part of national economy in China. 照明行业是传统的制造业,在我国的国民经济中处于重要地位。
Research on Lighting Technology and Present Development of Lighting Industry in Taiwan 台湾照明技术研究与产业发展现况
Lighting industry is the traditional industry of our country and plays an important role in the development of the state economy. 照明行业是我国的传统行业,对我国的经济发展起着举足轻重的作用。
So I decide to take semiconductor lighting industry as a case study of high-tech intellectual property protection in China. 所以我决定以半导体照明产为来切入点,来论证中国高新技术知识产权保护问题。
As the technology matures, market perfect, several preferential policies of government are adopted. LED lighting industry has made rapid development. 随着技术的成熟,市场的完善和政府各项扶持优惠政策的相继出台,LED照明产业得到了飞速发展。
PEST model and the external factor evaluation ( EFE) matrix have been adopted to analyze the macro environment for the lighting industry, introducing the general situation of development of the lighting industry. 其次,运用PEST分析方法和外部因素评价矩阵(EFE)对照明行业的宏观环境进行了分析。
In recent years, LED lighting industry has been making a rapid development in China, especially in the application which is in the forefront of the world. 近年来,我国LED照明产业迅猛发展,特别是在应用方面走在了世界前列。
In recent years, the energy-saving lighting industry bears the brunt of the energy-saving and emission-reducing of green environmental protection industry. It has been developing rapidly and is becoming one of the main forces of the global scientific and technological innovation and product upgrading. 近年来,节能照明行业作为节能减排和绿色环保首当其冲的行业一直快速发展,正成为全球科技创新和产品更新换代的主要战场之一。
This paper is based on the semiconductor lighting industry, combining detailed and integrated approaches to analyze the current high-tech intellectual property protection system of China. 在论文内容上以点、线结合的方法,以半导体照明行业为例,对中国现行高新技术知识产权保护制度进行了分析。
In this economic background, the lighting industry grew at more than 10% annual rate. 在这样的经济背景下,照明行业每年以10%以上的速度在高速增长。
Solar lighting as one of the most important use of solar energy, it received more and more attention form energy industry and lighting industry. 太阳能照明作为太阳能最重要的利用方式之一,已经受到能源行业和照明行业越来越多的关注。
The urgency of the worldwide demand for green lighting, LED lighting industry can bring huge economic benefits. 世界范围内对绿色照明需求的紧迫性,使得LED照明产业能够带来巨大的经济效益。
The paper compares the lighting industry progress status of US, EU, Japan and Russia with that of China, sums up the characteristics of China lighting industry. 本文将美国、欧盟、日本、俄罗斯等国家和地区的照明产业与我国的照明产业发展状况进行了比较,总结出我国照明产业的特点。
There is great potential for the production and exporting market of China lighting industry. 我国照明行业生产和出口的市场潜力巨大。
High efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection have been important developing directions in lighting industry. 高效节能和环保是照明业界的重要发展方向。
As a new and efficient light source for the lighting industry, white LED has opened a new field. LED,特别是白光LED,作为一种新型的高效光源,为照明产业开辟了一项全新的领域。
Our lighting industry started relatively late compared with the developed countries. 我国的照明行业与发达国家相比起步较晚。
The semiconductor lighting industry is a key developing high-tech industry in China, with experiences and lessons in this field. 半导体照明产业是中国重点发展的高科技产业,在这一领域既有取得的经验,又有值得借鉴的教训。